7 | Siriusly. It’s about Wolfstar, we swear!

Remus Lupin/Sirius Black

This week we are continuing our discussion of Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, our beloved Wolfstar pairing, with more EXTENSIVE headcanons and shenanigans!

Content/Trigger Warnings

6 | To Wolfstar and Beyond w/ BigBlackDog

Remus Lupin/Sirius Black

Join us this week for our exclusive interview with the author, reader, and fan of all things Wolfstar ( Remus Lupin / Sirius Black ), BigBlackDog!

Content/Trigger Warnings

5 | Hey, Linny! You’re so fine!

Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley

This week we are diving into some femslash! It’s Linny week!! Ginny and Luna make SUCH a beautiful couple and so much in canon supports this ship. Join us as we take a look at the ins and outs of this lovely pairing! (and there may be more singing and definitely excess giggles)

Content/Trigger Warnings

4 | “The Love of a Good Wizard” Fic Discussion (Tom Riddle/Harry Potter)

Tom Riddle/Harry Potter

This week the Tomarry fun continues! We’ve read and cannot wait to discuss The Love of a Good Wizard by SweetSorcery! We cannot even begin to explain how much we love this fic. Give it a read and join us as we laugh, gasp, cackle, and sing our way through this fic!

Content/Trigger Warnings

3 | Tomarry! Tomarry! We love ya, Tomarry!

Tom Riddle/Harry Potter

This week we are talking Tomarry! That’s right, Tom Riddle and Harry Potter. What? Are you serious? How? Why? WELL, WE ARE ABOUT TO TELL YOU. We went into this ship SUPER sceptical but came out ON CLOUD NINE! We LOVE this ship so much and we can’t wait to talk about it with you!

Content/Trigger Warnings

2 | Hip Hip, Haromione! w/ Victoria

Harry Potter/Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger

This week is all about the Golden Trio! Our favourite threesome, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, make the perfect poly ship, and we’ll find out why! We are joined by our friend, Victoria!

Content/Trigger Warnings
